Dr. Ethel's Onion Potato Soup

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This has always been our favorite potato soup recipe came from Farmer Mark Sr.’s supervisor from his days working as a laboratory and X-ray technician! As usual, we didn’t leave this recipe unmodified:) Bold font indicates ingredients grown on the farm.

COMBINE and cook until potato is very soft:

1 medium onion, chopped or 1 cup chopped scallions

2-4 potatoes, diced

2 cups water

ADD and let heat through and simmer:

2 tsp salt

1 quart cashew milk (see below for cashew milk); may use dairy

2 Tbs plant-based butter (optional)

SPRINKLE on top when serving:

1 tsp parsley flakes or 1 Tbs fresh parsley

Cashew milk:

4 cups water

1 cup raw cashews

Blend cashews with about 2 cups of the water until very smooth and rinse blender with remaining water. If using as a milk, you would want to add some sweetening and salt.