Our Farm

Sonlit Meadows Farm is tucked in a beautiful site on Last Butler Creek Road near Collinwood in Southern Middle Tennessee. The farm is owned and farmed by the Chuljian family. We provide locally grown fruit, vegetables, and blueberry plants to Wayne County, nearby Florence, Alabama and beyond.

Our Mission

We value a quiet and simple life with God, family and humanity and HIs wonderful gift of nature.

Our purpose in life is to bless others through our lives and through the fruits of our labors.

We strive to be faithful stewards of the resources placed in our hands, realizing our accountability to our God, our family, our customers and our community.

Mark l

Former laboratory technologist and x-ray technician has long loved the out of doors and gardening in particular. He took a change in pace so he could work with his family instead of being tied up in the hospital most of the daylight hours. He does anything that needs done, and the farm is especially indebted to his ability to keep everything electrical going—sometimes rather mysteriously!


I am experiencing the dream of my life that of being a farmer’s wife and mother of four wonderful children, now grown. I inherited and acquired from my doctor father a tremendous love for sacred music and the out of doors.


Our youngest seems to be in his element when he’s able to do auto mechanics and/or welding. A tremendous compliment to the farm and manager of the blueberry nursery, Sonlit Nursery. But that’s not all. He prides himself in wearing out his hoe in our rocky soil. He is engrossed in the study of soil science and loves to practice his viola.

Lily Ana

is a quiet, thoughtful and tender-hearted young lady. In addition to the rest of the farm she and her sister Teriz run Sonlit Blossoms and are growing gorgeous blossoms which bring joy and warmth everywhere they go. Lily Ana and Isaac are self-appointed in their burden to make the farm a place of beauty. She too loves her music practice of both piano and violin.

Mark ll

Our farm manager and star tractor driver, he seemed born to be a farmer. He eats it, sleeps it, talks about it and is overflowing with ideas of better ways to do things and new experiments to try out on the farm. Mark II provides the bass in the string quartet with beautiful cello music.


She is a planner and organizer and scarcely ever has an idle moment whether in the car, at home, on the farm. She and Mark II have developed a very detailed and indispensable planting schedule that helps to keep our priorities straight. She is also involved with church responsibilities, teaching violin lessons, and, for several years has a been a member of the planning committee for AdAgrA, a Christian organization promoting scientific agriculture and networking among like-minded farmers.


Gardening has always been a way of life for our family. From the time the kids were babies they were out in the garden—whether in the baby carriage, the backpack or down on the ground playing in the dirt (eating a bit too). When they were barely big enough to use a baby mattock we started getting them garden tools for birthday or Christmas gifts. We always tried to find quality tools that would really work. And did they ever learn to swing those mattocks and hoes! And believe it or not there were almost no mishaps. Family was a priority to us and gardening was a perfect fit. Since we opted to do it all by hand it provided great exercise and each one could garden at his own pace. Before going to work at the hospital Mark would get his after breakfast exercise and we’d try to get out to join him. After lunch, the same. Evenings would commonly find him splitting wood by the light of a gasoline lantern or headlamp. As the children got older we recognized the need to have more time with their father. That is what brought us to the Collinwood area one cold January day in 2009. A dream became a reality when we moved to our present location and became full time farmers!

When Isaac, our youngest, was a toddler we succeeded in fulfilling Mark Senior’s dream of growing blueberry plants from cuttings. Isaac’s little hand was just the right size to hold the fertilizer that each plant needed. Each one had a little task according to their ability.